Saturday, May 24, 2008


Hello everybody! (This is Dustin today!) It has been exciting being back home with the family. We have been having a good time. Melissa finally decided she had had enough of the retail world and quit Kohl's. It was a good idea in theory but it never really panned out for us. So, she is back full time at home attempting to maintain her sanity. As you can see from the above pictures, it can be difficult.

Macy was able to participate in Hat Day, Beach Day, Crazy Hair Day and other eventful "days" at Rick Marcotte Central School. She had a blast and loved seeing the other kids use their imaginations.

Melissa took a risk and told Tate to get ready to go run errands one day. The result is the interesting ensemble above. Obviously he gets his sense of style from his mother. We love them both in spite of their deficiencies.

Norah is OBSESSED with coloring and drawing. Unfortunately right now she struggles with confining the ink to paper. Our computer desk, walls, siblings, and herself have become the artist's canvas. We are trying to figure out how to best control where she projects her art without squashing her obvious talent. We'll keep you posted.


Dave & Jada said...

Way to go Dustin. If I were there I would climb it with you. I love stuff like that, although about 1/3 of the way I would be second guessing myself. We are moving tomorrow back to SC. I am so happy about this. Dave is starting his own practice and we are nervous. Tell all of your family to send them over. His office will be right next to Dr. Jones office on Trolly rd. By my dad's also.