Monday, March 23, 2009


So...not so much new info to share. I did have the wonderful experience of having Norah dump her entire bottle of Chocolate Milk from neck to foot in the middle of the food court at the mall. I think it was a ploy to get a new pink outfit from the Children's Place. (The six she got on Saturday were not enough.) The high for today was -500 so taking her home in wet clothes was not an option. Someone said, "You now know what your wife goes through everyday." I replied, thinking myself clever, "She hasn't ever had that happen." The response was, "Well, of course she hasn't she knows how to prevent it from happening." Let's just say I ate my humongous slice of Humble Pie with a big fat glass of milk.

P.S. I couldn't resist the picture of Tate. He feel asleep with the hat on. We all were that zonked. Now, imagine how Missy felt.


Kim said...

SOOO cute! I think there's a lot of Stubbs in that adorable little face! need to add Adele's name to the banner. Yay! Glad she's here and all are doing well!!

Amber Chappell said...

Way to go Melissa! She is such a cute little thing. I also have to add that Tate is a very Pretty little boy. Am I allowed to say that he's pretty?

Unknown said...

Oh I just want to cuddle that tiny little baby.Some day maybe when she's ten we'll get to see yall again.I'm proud of Melissa for telling that Doc what's up. It's true, we women know what's going on.I love you all and I am so excited. Keep posting pictures and watch the mail for a special surprise. Two actually. Love you.

Erin said...

She's beautiful, you guys! And I love her name...I'm quite partial to her middle name, actually...So, you go girl! You TELL that doctor! Something about pregnancy and labor brings out all kinds of things in us generally mild-mannered people, ya know?!

Joe and Anne said...

We are so glad you are here, little Adele, and so perfect!!!

Lindsay said...

Keep on posting! I love to see pictures. Wish I could be there.

Love you all!

bethalto said...

Congrats!!So happy for you. What an adorable family. Glad Anne was able to be there.
Terry and Peggy