Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Here are some leaves that I found outside of our apartment. They are everywhere and they are beautiful! It is amazing all the different colors you can see. Many times there are two or three colors on one leaf! It's not just your typical colors. It's such an array of colors: Salmon, Gold, Fuchsia, Maroon, Bright Yellows, and true Orange, Yellow Greens, and Light Brown. Really, it is a sight to behold!


Unknown said...

The leaves here ARE gorgeous! There is a tree on our street that is so red, I smile everytime I drive past it. It's going to be sad when winter comes and all the colors are gone.

I borrowed the pictures of the leaves that you had a couple of posts back and put them on my blog. I tried to take some myself, but my camera stinks and they just weren't looking right. I hope it's okay. If not, let me know and I'll take them off!

mcranford said...

They make me so jealous, also the previous pictures of fall out there. It is so beautiful. We never get quite the same effect out here.
We are really excited to have your Mom and Dad out here for a quick little visit before their meetings. I hope that I will get to see them, and to visit for a while.

Unknown said...

So, i'm confused about your baby tracker?!?!

whitney said...

You have to take pictures of your kids playing in those leaves! I am so jealous! I have one dinky tree in my yard and I absolutely love leaf pictures in the fall... I think we'll have to fake it and go out to Shelby Farms!

Benson Family said...

Hey girl! I'm obsessed with the colors of fall right now. We went to NC this weekend and they were gorgeous! They look gorgeous in Vermont too.