Sunday, June 8, 2008

Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock

So last week Macy had her 1st grade school play. The title of the play is "Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock." It was a cute story about Anansi the spider and how he played tricks on all the other animals by making them say the magic words that would put them to sleep. Then he would steal their fruit and take it back to his place. Then the smart Little Bush Deer where not fooled and they tricked Anansi into saying the magic words. He fell asleep and they took all the food back and gave it to the other animals. In the beginning of the play the Wise ol' Zebras warned all the animals to not say the magic words. That was Macy's part. She did a great job and was very cute. I'm sorry the pictures are so dark. I couldn't get my camera to work right. Anyway, three cheers for Macy! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!


Micaela said...

I totally found you guys after blog stalking Jay and Mary's site! It is good to see your happy faces, the kids have grown up SOOO much! I am glad to see that you have found our blog so you have some idea of what's going on in our lives! where are you guys living?

Mason & Laura said...

Oh how cute Macy was in the school play--and what a sweet lil' story! Your kids are just so stinkin' adorable. How have you been enjoying the summer so far?