Friday, June 20, 2008


So the other day the kids decided that they needed to show me their guns! Wow! How does that bumper sticker go?...My kids could beat up your kids!!! :)


Kayleen said...

Oh they are so cute!

Unknown said...

When am I ever going to get to sqeeze those kids again. I miss yall. Keep those posts comin.

Stac said...

I don't know if you remember me or not but I served my mission in your ward for awhile. I was comps with Sister Clark and I am sure you remember her. I know I remember your sweet potato souffle!! Yum!!

(Sister Layton)

Sarah (and a few others) said...

I like Macy's pose. She is fabulous even when showing off her guns.

Joe and Anne said...

Happy birthday to Tate -- big man who is FOUR years old - we love you buddy!!